Original Coffee operates several coffee shops in Copenhagen. Our coffee bars are typically located in local environments in Copenhagen, and with each place we seek to welcome everyone in a distinctive local environment, which we ourselves like very much. In our coffee shops, we will protect the local environments, and we will run our coffee shops with respect for the society we are part of.
We are aware of our responsibility to protect human dignity, protect the environment and generally conduct fair business, and therefore we engage in partnerships for responsibility. Through our commitment to REGA (the Restaurateurs' Guarantee Scheme), we have committed ourselves to working systematically to improve our work with social, environmental and financial sustainability. That journey began in the spring of 2018, and in the spring of 2020 we produced our first COP report (reporting from 2019), which we renew every year. You can read our latest report for 2020 at the link below.
We continue to work with our social responsibility, and we are excited about what the next step will be.