How it all started...

Brewed by Friends

The story of Original Coffee began back in 2010, when childhood friends Nikolaj and Philip set out on their bicycles to offer coffee to the Copenhagen population. We started as "Rolling Coffee", but in 2012 we made a decision to change the company's name to "Original Coffee" with the subtitle "Brewed by Friends". Over time, we have undergone significant growth and now count 15 coffee bars spread all over Copenhagen. In addition to these coffee bars, we have also entered into a collaboration with Tivoli, where you can now find 3 Original Coffee coffee stands in the amusement park.

At Original Coffee, the coffee and good service are a top priority, which indicates well-trained baristas who are committed to guiding and delivering the extraordinary coffee experience to our guests. In line with making the visit to one of our coffee bars more unique for the individual guest, in 2022 we bought an old butchery location located in Kødbyen, which we converted into a bakery. This bakery now acts as a daily supplier of freshly baked bread and high quality pastries to our 18 coffee shops.

As an extension of our coffee shops, we also run an online webshop where we offer equipment, coffee beans and the option of coffee subscriptions. In this way, our aim to deliver a unique coffee experience to our guests is met, regardless of whether they enjoy it in our coffee shops or in the comfort of their own home.


The childhood friends, Nikolaj and Philip, decide that coffee will be their way of life. Initially, we started with 5 coffee bikes under the name "Rolling Coffee". We were one of the first in Copenhagen to sell from small mobile stands, which can be seen all over the street scene today.


Big brother, Jonas, joins the coffee journey, the coffee bikes are sold and we open our first coffee bar at the top of Illum, in AC Illum's old office. The coffee bar had 2 terraces with a view of Copenhagen. "Brewed by Friends" became a natural subtitle as it all started with a friendship - a friendship that continues to be a vital element.


In March 2013, shortly after the first opening, we opened our 2nd coffee shop. The coffee bar is located at the corner of Nordre Frihavnsgade and Trianglen. It quickly became a meeting place for a good cup of coffee and in 2022 we bought the premises next door and expanded to double the size.


In May, the following year, we opened on Bredgade 36, a street known for housing many offices and businesses. The decor in all the coffee bars is based on the local area and here the floor is made of marble, as the coffee bar is 50 meters from the Marble Church. The coffee br has been renovated twice - once at the end of 2020 and a second time in the summer of 2024.


In late summer 2014, we find Hellerup's smallest room and see the possibility of a local coffee bar with only 10 seats. However, we quickly outgrow the room and already in October of the following year, we open 4 rooms away. In this coffee shop, we also get our first coffee lab, where experimentation with coffee is given free rein. This coffee bar has been renovated 3 times and most recently in May 2021.


Illum follows Copenhagen's developing food scene and opens their own food court at the top, namely the Rooftop. We get a location facing Amagertorv and the well-known stork fountain. The coffee bar is known for its long roof terrace, which runs along Købmagergade and Strøget. It is our largest to date and accommodate up to 70 guests.


Later that summer, we open a coffee bar with a view that can compare with the Rooftop, namely at Sortedam Dossering 9. Our coffee bar here is located right by the lakes with a view of water and trees.


Looking for new challenges and exciting locations, an agreement for a coffee bar in Copenhagen's largest land reclamation project fell into place, namely in Nordhavn. We opened in Göteborg Plads 6 in March 2018 and have been able to follow the district's development very closely. Here you can take a refreshing dip in the nearby bathing areas.


In April 2019, we opened a coffee depot in Copenhagen's largest food market, Torvehallerne. You will find us in Hall 2 Stade A9 at our modest 12.5 square meters. The interior is based on the close dialogue with the guest and here you get very close to the brewing of your coffee.


A few months before COVID-19 came to Denmark, we moved to the district, Frederiksberg. At Gammel Kongevej 173, we are located behind the green, attractive facade and perhaps have Copenhagen's pinkest toilet. This coffee shop was finished 1 hour before the official opening. Thanks to Joachim from Space Between, for driving the coffee bar to the finish line.


We defy COVID-19, as a beautiful and iconic venue at Istedgade 64 becomes possible. An old apothecary's ceiling and walls of raw granite form the framework for our hip coffee bar in Vesterbro.


We have grown and at the end of 2020 we begin to look for premises for training baristas and to house our administrative department. In the center of Copenhagen, near Nyboder, there is an opportunity for a combination of this and a coffee bar. We open a large and beautiful coffee bar at Store Kongensgade 124.


After 9 months of preparation, we open our first coffee bar in Tivoli. A dream comes true and it is with great respect that we open the first of three coffee shops in the world's second oldest amusement park. This coffee bar is located by Plænen and opens in October.


With an ambition to sell baked goods that match the quality of our coffee, we open our own bakery. We want to get even closer to craftsmanship and to be able to serve products that follow the seasons to our guests. Over the summer of 2022, we will transform an old slaughterhouse into a professional bakery.


At the start of the summer season 2022, we open our second coffee bar in Tivoli, in "Det Muntre Hjørne" or "The Cheerful Corner", which consists of small Renaissance-inspired Copenhagen houses. This is our smallest coffee bar in Tivoli and functions primarily as a to go coffee bar.


A few months later, our last and largest coffee bar in Tivoli is ready to open. Upstairs in the Aquarium foyer and in the adjacent "Rotunden" to Tivoli's concert hall, you will find our two-storey large coffee bar. Here you can enjoy your coffee on our large terrace or inside to stay.


In August 2022, we come to the island, Amager, were we open the doors to our new coffee bar on Strandlodsvej. Located in one of the newer areas, close to Amager beach park and other green areas, we will welcome you in our coffee bar, with high ceilings and plenty of seating inside and outside.


In perhaps Denmark's smallest coffee shop, we see the possibility of an iconic shop. At one end of Jorcks Passage, we open a coffee shop in a hole in the wall during Christmas 2022. If you are on the go and in the inner city, we are ready with your coffee in the passage between Vimmelskaftet and Skindergade.


In collaboration with STAY Apartment, we opened the doors to our second coffee bar in Nordhavn. The district is developing rapidly and at Stubkaj we provide breakfast for STAY's guests and the general visitor from the street. In addition to working with STAY, we also house Adidas Runners, who start and finish all their races from the location.


In July, we became ambassadors for Red Cross Club 10. Together with the rest of the Club-10 team, we spend the next year making a difference by creating campaigns and raising money for the most vulnerable and exposed people at home and in the rest of the world.


In October, we open our third coffee bar Nordhavn. The coffee bar is located together with Accura on Alexandriagade and next to Orientkaj Metro Station.


In May, we open in Postbyen! The coffee bar is located in Danske Bank's beautiful new head office and is furnished in collaboration with Space Between with a simple, modern and elegant design. The bar is located next to Bernstorffsgade and is open to everyone.⁠


Home sweet home. In July, we move our coffee bar from Illum's 2nd floor back to our very first location in Illum.