French Press Brewing Guide

French press is coffee brewing without hocus pocus. This brewing method creates, with the right choice of coffee beans, a flavorful and rich coffee experience

With Espro Press you get a full-bodied piston coffee without sediment and coffee grounds. With its elegant design, the double-walled jug keeps your coffee warm for a long time.

This recipe brews 700 grams of coffee.

  1. Boil 750 grams of water. Let it stand for a few minutes so that the temperature can drop to 92 - 95°C.
  2. For the plunger pot, we recommend 6.5 grams of coffee for 100 grams of water. For 700 grams of water, 45.5 grams of coffee must be weighed. Grind the coffee medium coarse.
  3. Pour the coffee into the plunger pot. Shake the pot lightly to even out the coffee.
  4. Place the piston jug on a scale and zero it. Pour 100 grams of water over the coffee in about 10 seconds.
  5. Rotate the coffee to make sure all the coffee is covered with water. Wait 30 seconds.
  6. Pour the remaining 600 grams of water in about 30 seconds.
  7. Use two tablespoons to scrape away the layer of foam that settles on the surface.
  8. Put the filter on top of the plunger and let the coffee brew for 5 minutes.
  9. Push the plunger down slowly. This should be able to be done without resistance. If not, let the coffee brew longer until the plunger can be easily pressed down.
  10. Bon appetite.

Learn more about black coffee and different brewing methods at our Hand brew & Cupping course.